It didn’t hit me until I was sitting in airport. All of a sudden I realized the magnitude of theRead More ⇾ Meet U.S. Department of State sponsored Gilman Scholarship recipient Jose Gomez. Jose served as a Gilman Global Experience CorrespondentRead More ⇾
I was inspired by Sona's post “An Introduction to the Frustrations of Russian language” to share a similar story withRead More ⇾
Towards the end of my study abroad program at Yonsei, I realized that so much has changed in my life.Read More ⇾
[youtube=] Meet U.S. Department of State sponsored Gilman Scholarship recipient Jose Gomez. Jose served as a Gilman Global Experience CorrespondentRead More ⇾
Packing was one difficult task. It never is easy, but it becomes especially hard when you have to fit yourRead More ⇾
It wasn't even twelve hours after I landed that I began to fully take it in! It felt like IRead More ⇾
Week old henna stains the front and back of my left hand. Brown, beautiful, and intricate, the under part ofRead More ⇾
Who would have guessed that I would end up in Manama, Bahrain? I surely couldn't have two weeks ago. ThreeRead More ⇾
After week 3 at Yonsei, I, along with students from the University of California campuses, took a road trip toRead More ⇾
During one of our first lectures, a brief Nepali history and culture, we had the pleasure of reawakening our newlyRead More ⇾
As the end of my program approaches, I have begun to feel strangely torn between two very extreme feelings. HavingRead More ⇾