I’ve noticed the constant rhythm in which the city around me flows in. The reserved society that walks among the streets, so punctual and serious. I’ve noticed I’ve blended in a little more. I’ve noticed talking less and listening to the stories from the people around me are intriguing. It is unbelievable how much a person can change within a few months. Some of the subtlest changes have had the biggest impact on me since arriving in Japan last August.
Since studying abroad in Japan, I have noticed certain aspects of myself have changed. My rowdy and irrational self has slowly metamorphosed into a person who thinks about their actions and every possible consequence before coming to a single decision now. I find myself being very reserved in many situations when before I always had something to add or ask.
Academically, my studies have become more challenging than before. With more and more of the Japanese language being introduced in my classes, I found myself a semester later enrolled in three classes predominantly taught in the Japanese language. This a complete 360 compared to the Japanese classes I took back at home university. I can not personally see my progress when it comes to my Japanese, but others continuously compliment me and say have far I have come.
One aspect of myself that has changed a great deal since studying abroad is my gratitude for others. Homesickness really set in since studying abroad as every day I missed my family and friends. I am grateful for all the things they have done for me before coming to Japan and even now. I am grateful for the new people I have met in my life after arriving in Japan. I am so happy about the change I have seen within myself from then and now.