18may1:00 pm2:00 pmGilman Alumni Virtual Networking: How to Thrive in Your Career During a Pandemic!

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Gilman Alumni Omolara (2011, United Arab Emirates) discusses how she was able to thrive in her remote job search in 2020 during a time of panic and record levels of global unemployment.
Omolara will discuss job search tactics, as well as tips on how to maintain a positive mental state, even when it seems as if the world is falling apart. Join her, and other recent graduates of The Road to Remote Accelerator (a program Omolara participated in) as they discuss how to make yourself stand apart while (remote) job searching AND how to have the Gilman study abroad experience work to your advantage.



May 18, 2021 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm(GMT-04:00)