
banner for I think I found my career…
  • Errienna, Alumni Ambassador
  • 20-Nov-2019
I think I found my career…

I entered my first year of college like many students do, unsure of what career path I should take. IRead More ⇾

banner for Appreciation Birthed Abroad
  • Safari Ari
  • 02-Jul-2015
Appreciation Birthed Abroad

It is hard to judge just exactly how I have grown from my time in Tanzania, though I can feelRead More ⇾

banner for Tanzanian Bonds of Friendship
  • Safari Ari
  • 24-Jun-2015
Tanzanian Bonds of Friendship

Has it been easy making friends in Tanzania? Well it's certainly been a wild ride. Tanzanian culture is by nature,Read More ⇾

banner for Tanzanian Food Culture
  • Safari Ari
  • 08-May-2015
Tanzanian Food Culture

[caption id="attachment_2041" align="aligncenter" width="225"] pilau with spinach and banana[/caption] Food in Tanzania is simple, yet tasty. Dishes consist mainly ofRead More ⇾

banner for Week One: Tanzania
  • Safari Ari
  • 23-Feb-2015
Week One: Tanzania

During this first week, it was hard to have first impressions or preconceived notions because we had not yet interactedRead More ⇾

banner for Hujambo! A first glance at preparing for, and living in Tanzania
  • Safari Ari
  • 05-Feb-2015
Hujambo! A first glance at preparing for, and living in Tanzania

The two weeks leading up to my study abroad program were a complete whirl of excitement and anxiety. Preparing toRead More ⇾