When I initially went to Spain, I expected to find an environment different from what I was accustomed to inRead More ⇾
Howdy world! My name is Alex Montoya and I am from Canyon, Texas. I currently am a senior (Wahoo) atRead More ⇾
Before my study abroad semester in Morocco, I was seriously considering going to graduate school. But after this semester, IRead More ⇾
Food is a rich and important part of Kyrgyz culture. The staple ingredients of meals tend to be meat, vegetables,Read More ⇾
For the most part, I consider myself a pretty easy-going person. It takes a lot to frustrate me, and luckilyRead More ⇾
It was 5:15 am on the morning of June 4th, I stayed up all night long with the my studyRead More ⇾
Our experience in Jordan flew by! At the beginning of my family's time there we dove right into the culture.Read More ⇾
Cesare Pavese once said “traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and lose sight of all thatRead More ⇾
My study abroad program ended several months ago, and with it, so too did my college education. Fortunately, though, myRead More ⇾
As I embarked on my journey to Morocco, my thoughts and emotions have yet to be developed. I simply packedRead More ⇾
Hello World! My name is Karly Placek and I’m studying in India this semester. Back home I’m a Documentary StudiesRead More ⇾
I have been planning for this day all semester. I dreamt up many imaginations about Guatemala as a place whereRead More ⇾