My final days in St. Petersburg went as usual: I would avoid the massive pothole that is usually filed withRead More ⇾
Thus far, has your study abroad experience influenced your academic and professional goals? If so, how? Your views on lifeRead More ⇾
I’m slowly learning my way around Dakar. The transportation here is crazy. As a health and safety precaution, my program'sRead More ⇾
[caption id="attachment_1756" align="aligncenter" width="240"] Nyhavn - this canal leads out to the harbor, which you can actually swim in becauseRead More ⇾
[caption id="attachment_21" align="aligncenter" width="431"] The city (I took it from the airplane)[/caption]I can't believe I am actually in AFRICA! ThereRead More ⇾ Meet U.S. Department of State sponsored Gilman Scholarship recipient Karly Kahl-Placek. Karly was a Gilman Global Experience Correspondent forRead More ⇾
When I first arrived in Spain, it took a few weeks before I fully adjusted to everything: the bizarre eatingRead More ⇾
Food is a rich and important part of Kyrgyz culture. The staple ingredients of meals tend to be meat, vegetables,Read More ⇾
While this graph certainly describes many of the joys and struggles of studying abroad, my experiences would look a bitRead More ⇾
I think that at some point, we all fall into some sort of routine. When I'm at home in theRead More ⇾
Peru is famous for cuy, which Americans call guinea pig. At the high altitudes in the mountains large animals canRead More ⇾
For me, as a devastatingly taciturn individual, it is difficult to develop friendships, regardless of where I am in theRead More ⇾