[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaREInayRI4&w=560&h=315] Meet U.S. Department of State sponsored Gilman Scholarship recipient Alex Montoya. Alex was a Gilman Global Experience Correspondent duringRead More ⇾
[caption id="attachment_21" align="aligncenter" width="431"] The city (I took it from the airplane)[/caption]I can't believe I am actually in AFRICA! ThereRead More ⇾
[caption id="attachment_744" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Sunset falling on the Atlas Mountains.[/caption] I sat in my kitchen table in two differentRead More ⇾
“I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” ― John Green, The Fault in OurRead More ⇾
Shanghai has a way of making many foreigners feel very special. Everywhere you go people always want to take aRead More ⇾
Even before going abroad, I knew what I wanted to as a professional career: I want to become an internationalRead More ⇾
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTArrX-r8Ro Meet U.S. Department of State sponsored Gilman Scholarship recipient Karly Kahl-Placek. Karly was a Gilman Global Experience Correspondent forRead More ⇾
The differences between my world in America and my new world in Italy were apparent right way. With my modest-sizedRead More ⇾
Since the day I started my journey to Kyrgyzstan, unexpected opportunities have become a daily occurrence for me. I canRead More ⇾
When I initially went to Spain, I expected to find an environment different from what I was accustomed to inRead More ⇾
Howdy world! My name is Alex Montoya and I am from Canyon, Texas. I currently am a senior (Wahoo) atRead More ⇾
Before my study abroad semester in Morocco, I was seriously considering going to graduate school. But after this semester, IRead More ⇾