“The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set footRead More ⇾
Danes love Denmark. Their countryside in Jylland heals them and calls them back to a simpler, more rural past; theirRead More ⇾
How the heck do they spend so much time talking?! It’s ridiculous! Parties last from 2 o’clock on a FridayRead More ⇾
Thus far, has your study abroad experience influenced your academic and professional goals? If so, how? Your views on lifeRead More ⇾
Smørrebrød, flaeskesteg, snobrød, risengrød, biksemad….herring. What the heck do these strange words mean? And moreover how in the world doRead More ⇾
What struck me when I first saw this diagram was how closely it resembles diagrams of the Kübler-Ross model ofRead More ⇾
My first experience with biking in Copenhagen was not what I had expected. My friends who’d come here last semesterRead More ⇾
[caption id="attachment_1756" align="aligncenter" width="240"] Nyhavn - this canal leads out to the harbor, which you can actually swim in becauseRead More ⇾