My first couple of weeks trying to manage what I will call my new and transformational “Chinese life” definitely presentedRead More ⇾
Since this is my first time posting a blog for the Gilman Global Experience Blog, let me give you allRead More ⇾
Nearly every day of my semester abroad my colleagues and I would long for something we missed about the States,Read More ⇾
Upon arrival in Beijing, I was terrified to cross the street. Mopeds, taxis, three-wheeled vehicles, cars and buses all viedRead More ⇾
“Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort ofRead More ⇾
Hello! My name is Tarrajna Walsh, and I am a senior from Loyola University Chicago in the United States. IRead More ⇾
[youtube=] Meet U.S. Department of State sponsored Gilman Scholarship recipient Alex Montoya. Alex was a Gilman Global Experience Correspondent duringRead More ⇾
[youtube=] Meet U.S. Department of State sponsored Gilman Scholarship recipient Alex Montoya. Alex was a Gilman Global Experience Correspondent duringRead More ⇾
[youtube=] Meet U.S. Department of State sponsored Gilman Scholarship recipient Alex Montoya. Alex was a Gilman Global Experience Correspondent duringRead More ⇾
Stepping off the plane from China I know that I will have some problems adjusting being back in good ‘oleRead More ⇾
Howdy world! My name is Alex Montoya and I am from Canyon, Texas. I currently am a senior (Wahoo) atRead More ⇾
It would be a terrible lie if I dared say China has not changed me. It has, and what IRead More ⇾