The past three weeks of my study abroad program have been spent traveling. We spent a week in Putre andRead More ⇾
One of the best reasons to study abroad in New Zealand is the long break that students get in theRead More ⇾
One of my favorite experiences thus far in my study abroad endeavor was a journey into the Volta Region inRead More ⇾
I would argue that Sunday is the most conflicting day of the week. It’s the last day of freedom beforeRead More ⇾
There's a stark reality underneath the layers of all the newness that comes with study abroad (new friends, new "family,"Read More ⇾
Right now I’m taking the train into Philadelphia to a doctor’s appointment. I’ve put off writing this for a while,Read More ⇾
To most, Southeast Asia could be considered the land of culture shock. There is no place more different in cultureRead More ⇾
The two weeks leading up to my study abroad program were a complete whirl of excitement and anxiety. Preparing toRead More ⇾
[caption id="attachment_61" align="alignleft" width="479"] Getting my Texas cowboy on! Yeehaw![/caption] Last week was an unforgettable experience. During a visit toRead More ⇾
Time passes so quickly here in Africa. The way is very simple... And I love it. I'm finding my AfricanRead More ⇾
Shanghai has a way of making many foreigners feel very special. Everywhere you go people always want to take aRead More ⇾